Poor children in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
were expected to work from an early age – shockingly early to modern eyes
(although sadly child labour is still commonplace in many developing countries).
If you
strolled down a street in Georgian or Victorian England, you could hardly fail
to notice the many children dressed in rags, and obviously in need of a good
meal. Children helped their parents with their work at home
(perhaps preparing wool or cotton for the loom), or found work in a factory, or if very poor, sold
matches or gingerbread on the streets.
Very small children were in great demand as chimney sweeps (as it was
easy for them to climb chimneys), and unscrupulous parents sold their children
to master sweeps for a few pounds.

Several charities grew up to look after destitute children, and
I’ll look at the work of some of these institutions in my next blog post.
Images from the author’s collection:
‘The Poor Cripple Girl’ selling gingerbread, ‘The Orphans' selling matches, and ‘The Little
Chimney Sweep’, from Henry Sharpe Horsley, The
Affectionate Parent’s Gift, T.Kelly, 1827.