I was absolutely thrilled to discover I've been nominated for an Excessively Diverting Blog Award by fellow author Jane Odiwe in collaboration with Jane Austen Today!
Thank you very much indeed Jane! This award was created by the blogging team of Jane Austen Today to acknowledge superior writing on the Internet and promote Jane Austen’s brilliance. Apparently the aim of the award is to promote writing excellence in the spirit of Jane Austen. Of course the immortal Jane is a tough act to follow; we can only aspire to emulate her irony, humour, wit, and terrifyingly accurate observation of people and manners.
Now I'm going to nominate my favourite seven Austen-related blogs:
Jane Austen Sequels : I know it's cheating to include Jane Odiwe's blog, but her beautiful blog never fails to cheer me up - it's always 'light, bright and sparkling.'
Jane Austen Today : I know - cheating again - but this really is one of the best Austen blogs.
Austenprose: Another classic Austen blog following in Jane's footsteps.
The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide: This blog offers some real insights into the period and has some beautiful illustrations.
Jane Greensmith's blog: Jane is a big Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell fan and loves to share her opinions and thoughts on these great novelists.
Jane Austen in Vermont: Another smashing Austen blog.
And last, but certainly not least, Austenblog; this is the place to go if you want the latest gossip on the world of Jane Austen.
Congratulations recipients. Please claim your award by copying the HTML code of the Excessively Diverting Blog Award badge, posting it on your blog, listing the name of the person who nominated you, and linking to their blog. Then nominate seven (7) other blogs that you feel meet or exceed the standards set forth. Nominees may place the Excessively Diverting badge in their side bar and enjoy the appreciation of their fellow bloggers for recognition of their talent.
Congratulations. And thank you for the nomination!
Thank you for your kind words about my blog, Sue!
It's a real pleasure, Jane and Vic!
Congrats on your nomination!!
Congratulations Sue, and thank you for the nomination. I am very flattered.
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