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Tuesday 17 February 2009

Peterloo memorial

As we approach the Manchester Histories Festival , there’s some very interesting news that a work of art is planned to commemorate the Peterloo victims. This year is the 190th anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre. On 16 August 1819, the Manchester authorities used cavalry to disperse a peaceful crowd of reformers. In the ensuing mayhem, at least 15 people were killed and hundreds injured. (The exact figure has never been ascertained because many of the injured were too scared they’d be arrested if they sought treatment.) In days gone by, Manchester’s civic representatives have tried to draw a polite veil over this blot on the city’s history; it’s good to hear the Peterloo victims may receive some kind of justice at last.

Image of Peterloo Massacre by Cruikshank from Wikipedia.

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